Friday, December 19, 2014

Fun before Christmas break

We had a lot of fun on Thursday! In the morning, we did the marshmallow challenge with our first grade buddies. The goal is to build the tallest structure out of 20 spaghetti noodles, a yard of string, and a yard of tape. It must hold a marshmallow on top when the 18 minutes time limit is up! 

Before lunch, students competed in a dodgeball tournament Miss Anhel set up for grades 3-6. Mrs. Wick, Mrs. Bohl, Mrs. Aljets, and myself even played in a few games! 

After lunch, students and I opened presents. Thank you for the wonderful gifts!! To end the day, we had our "dance off" against the 4th graders. It was a lot of fun!! 

I had my tonsils removed this morning. I had a lot of scar tissue built up due to the amount of times I've had strep throat, so the recovery is expected to take a bit longer. I am still hoping to be back to my normal self by the time school starts back up!! 

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday break!!

"Grills" compliments of Becky haha

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